Monday, April 6, 2020

Quarantine Time Capsule

Things I have learned about my family since we started social distancing:

(Also known as random things I have discovered as I have made everyone deep clean the house):

1. RB keeps black socks in his car and then just replaces his work socks every day. This probably really speaks much more to my ability to keep up with laundry than anything in particular about him. 

2. Bonnie is really listening to every thing I say and - not as well known to me - is repeating it to Baby K. This is the worst game of telephone ever. 

2b. Related: Bon and Baby K keep threatening to give each other "Corona" and they also believe having Corona involves losing a limb.  

3. Will literally can't get enough of me. Ever. There is no amount that is too much. The limit does not exist. 

4. RB does not find my "Mean Girls" quotes endearing nor is he willing to watch "Mean Girls."

5. Sonny Dog 100% has a family limit. She reached it two weeks ago. 

6. Baby K is always starving unless it is time to eat a fruit or vegetable. Additionally, Baby K has been stashing a roll of thin mints and left over birthday candy in her nightstand. She told me it was for when I serve green beans. She is also confused as to why this is not okay. 

7. Will can lock the basement door. He prefers to do it when he is supposed to be in the basement with his sisters and daddy while I have a conference call. He has impeccable timing and is always able to lock said door, climb up to my room, and interrupt only at the moment I actually have to start speaking. 

7b. Despite this happening every week, multiple times a week, RB is still generally shocked when I come to tell him my call is done and have Will in my arms. 

8. Katherine thought underwear was only something you had to wear when you left the house. This has been corrected. 

9. There is, in fact, a limit to how extroverted I am. It hits around the 4th Zoom call and 14th excessive hour of four people speaking to me. The only solution for this is 15 minutes in the garage pretending that I am sorting recycling. 

9b. My family apparently has no idea what it takes to recycle in Gwinnett County or when our recycling day is. 

10. It doesn't matter how many ideas for Quarantine Life are on Pinterest - Bonnie is going to do it her own way. She doesn't need to hear anything else about it, okay?

11. Each child has their own special, embroidered chair for reading, watching movies, building forts , or laying backwards and yelling "I am bored." This in no way prevents fighting over which chair which child is going to use. 

12. There is no limit to how many times a day Baby K and Bon can listen to the "Zombies 2" soundtrack. RB, however, mysteriously has a "work emergency" around the second chorus of "Do It Like The Zombies Do" every. single. time. 

13. RB is living his best quarantine life which means showing the kids every "Star Wars." He is contemplating "Indiana Jones." He then "goes to work" every day, leaving me with the kids, and forcing me to have DEEP plot conversations with my children and eventually getting yelled at because I can't remember the plots, names, or characters in any of them. 

13b. If RB and I can survive this, we can survive anything.

14. Will has never felt a bigger desire to destroy toilet paper as much as when there is literally a national shortage of it. I suspect next he will turn his wrath to the Clorox wipes.

Hope your families are hanging in there and enjoying this precious time together! 

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